WELCUM 2 BLINKIE NET!!!!!!!!! hi im micro!! I also go bye frankie :D!1! this website is like my child and i love it so mcuh,.,. I started it so i could have a place to host blinkie files but it has made me learn how awesome coding is

To do
- update the fugly enter page
- animations page
- dividers page
- make shirnes
- jornal mayb
2/19/25: re-did my wordiess
2/6/25: HOMESTUCKIES WEBRING WOWIES + enter page art hes been updatedd yayyy
2/5/25: changed art page layout
1/31/25: finally updayed the webmaster
1/28/25: addded resources page woahhh #swag
12/17/24: added graphics directory and changed the layout for all the pages
11/14/24: added the ad widget cuz its cool as hell
11/14/24: icons page
11/14/24: new home page and n entry page
10/9/24: changed site index title
10/8/24: art page!!
10/4/24: new 404 page
10/3/24: about me done!!!
9/28/24: fixed visitor counter cuz it wa s kinda off
9/28/24: changed how stamps display, added more and removed hyperlinks.
9/27/24: new homepage + change log
9/25/24: new guestbook lalalalalal
9/23/24: more blinkies added to the blinkie page + a credit page added