
scripted resources - code snipits

Bro Code - only youtube tutorials that helped me

W3schools - helps with specific things


Lopster - list of websites that provide layoust

webmastering - Same as former


Gifypet - a pet that you can have on your website

Poll Code - Custom polls

NavLink Ads - ad system for personal websites

Banner ads - former, but in banner format


Background Generator - generates backgrounds

Bettys Graphics - Graphics archive

Piskelapp - free pixel editor

Pixel safari - Graphics resource

Tumblr - One of the best places to get specific graphics

Online Image Editor - Image editor with fun features like glitter!!


Webring-list - List of webrings

Atabook - free guestbook service

OneCompiler - Online code editor

Hope this is helpful!! This page will be update as i find more things

blinking since 2023!